Thursday, September 23, 2010


A customer came in last night asking if we sold female products. I could tell by the look he was giving me, he didn't even want to be there. I told him the aisle and section. He walked over, and looked them over. He came back, "Which ones should I get?"

I shrugged my shoulders a bit and said, "I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

"My girlfriend said she wanted a box, but I don't think she told me which to get."
"Do you remember what her box looked like?"
"Why would I know something like that?"
"Try to remember any detail at all. Do you really feel like going all the way home just to ask her?"
"True... Um... I think... I think I remember seeing yellow on the box."
"Ok, that narrows it down a bit. Are they tampons or pads?"
"Calm down... Does she insert them, or just puts them on her panties?"
"Why the hell should I tell you!?"
"The reason being is I'm trying to help you get what you need. If you get the wrong thing, she's just going to send you back to get the right thing."
"Come again?"
He screamed "INSERTS!" The customers waiting behind him just started laughing their collective asses off. Never before have I seen a customer with such a red face from embarrassment. I told him what to get and he sheepishly went to get them. I took care of the customers behind him before he returned, rang him up and tossed them into a brown paper bag. I finished the transaction and he left. With no one else in the store, and the guy out of sight, I let out a sigh and started laughing myself.


  1. Dude must have been pretty young. I just bought my missus 3 boxes of pads two days ago. I think the guy behind the counter was a feeling a bit suss because I didn't look embarrassed at all.

  2. Intresting, I always wondered as a kid what kind of tampons there are. :P

  3. wow hahaha that's freaking funny. I wish I could have seen that!

  4. hahahaha. dang i actually lol'd.

  5. Hahaha! Brilliant! I woulda made her go get them though?

  6. You site are a gentleman and a scholar.

  7. "what does her box look like" hahaha

  8. First thing thats made me laugh today, lol

  9. I dont know how you held in the laughter but I give you props lol

    he made such a big deal over nothing :/ My girl uses pads fuck tampons lol

  10. @november17 lol'd @ the same part ^^

  11. @Viperman

    As I wrote in the last line of the second post...

    "I've seen worse."

  12. come over man, they are partying like hell already!! >=(

  13. that was a funny story! Want to see tomorrow's!

  14. fuck that shit.. if my bitch needs some tampons, she's getting them herself!

  15. Funny story, but like one of the commenters said, must've been someone who spent alot of time in his mom's basement and doesn't get out and hang with girls much..

  16. thanks for the chuckle :)

  17. Hilarious joke, I might have to tell this to some friends. Then again I suck at telling jokes I may as well not.

    I really appreciate jokes like this, it lets us all have a laugh once and a while. Good work dude and keep it up. I will laugh my way through life. :]

  18. @_lycosa

    Sadly, this isn't a joke. It's really something that happened. Then again, refer to the first post of mine on this blog.

  19. Hahaha that was funny, I'm gonna follow your blog.

  20. Sadly, no. Just ask anyone who has worked graveyard in retail, we get all the odd ones.

  21. Haha His expression while he says INSERTS... Priceless!

  22. lololololol
    oh man i used to be a cashier at target... i got a story like that

  23. @Dlydog

    Most, if not all of us, in retail get these. Graveyard just has more of these a night.
